RESOURCES: Employment Rights at Work
Table of Contents:
Workshop Presentation
Info Sheets
Online Resources
These resources discuss:
What is Legal Aid Ontario
How to access free legal advice services
What is an employment agreement (written and verbal contracts)
Independent contractor misclassification
Employment standards under the Employment Standards Act (minimum wage, overtime, paid public holidays, personal emergency leave, pregnancy and parental leave, vacation pay/time and termination pay, etc.)
Changes to Ontario's Employment Standards Act (ESA) that can exist due to COVID 19: For example, what to do if you are working and get ill/infected by COVID, and what vaccination or masking mandates can employers impose and why?
Resource Contact:
Genevieve D’Iorio (Community Legal Worker)
Cell: 416-522-5583
Workers’ Health and Safety Legal Clinic (180 Dundas Street West, Suite 2000, Box 4, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8)
Tel: 416-971-8832 / Toll Free: 1-877-832-6090
Please note:
The material provided is general legal information and is current as of today. In time these laws may change.
For those experiencing a legal problem, then they should seek legal advice as soon as possible.
ESA Exemptions and Special Rules
Depending on the nature of your work, some industries can opt-out of certain minimums set out in the Employment Standards Act. To find out more, visit this website:
Understanding Payroll Deductions:
On Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors:
This article on the misclassification of employees as independent contractors may be of interest to some in these programs as this remains an ongoing problem: Independent Contractors: Riskier than ever (Canadian HR Reporter)
On Self-Employment and How It Affects:
Health and Dental Benefits:
Employers are not required to provide health/dental benefits to their workers. Many self-employed workers as well as part-time workers do not have access to health and dental benefit plans. Benefit plans can help with the cost of some services like dental, drugs, health benefits, and travel insurance. If your employer is not providing health and dental benefits, then it is up to you to select an insurance company and set up the health and dental coverage that you need. Learn more at
COVID-19 Safety - when wearing a mask and washing hands:
How to safely wear a mask or face covering (Toronto Public Health)
Vaccination Information
More Resources on Human Rights and Health & Safety in Ontario:
Human Rights Commission: e-Learning programs (Topics include: Removing the "Canadian experience" barrier, Call It Out: Racial discrimination, Human Rights and Rental Housing, Ableism and Discrimination based on disability; Human rights and newcomers, and Working Together: The Code and the AODA)
Free Training Links
MOL's Worker Health and Safety Awareness Training in 4 Steps
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) - WHMIS 2015 Training
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training
REMINDER: CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario) has some great resources in plain language to help learn more about your rights.
Check out easy-to-read booklets online about legal topics like Income assistance, Consumer Rights, Tenant Rights, and Workers’ Rights at
For up-to-date COVID-19 information about your rights at work, check out